Sunday, November 18, 2012


Sumer became Babylon
and then Iraq
they controlled it before
now they've taken it back
if you choose to resist
well, then we're hanging ya
old school murder in new age Mesopotamia

Energy flows where your attention goes
like what they don't disclose
the totalitarian tip toe
if you payed attention
you would have heard them mention
building seven falling before it fell
or the seven “hijackers” that are still alive
after burning in crashes where no one survived
what's the next “official” story you'll commission for me

This ain't the age of God
it's the age of Nimrod
the statue of Semiramis
enslaving all Americans
it doesn't represent liberty
it's Babylonian history
they bow to the great queen
and it's us that they're raping

We're on the cusp of a new day
the illusion is fading away
you've been repeating the lies
dark suits in disguise
but we're still freeing our minds
they fear if we find
the keys that we'll drive
with no regard for the limit
ignoring the gimmick

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Genetically Mastered Oblivion

To prop 37 you voted hell no
no more organics, just Monsanto
we don't eat food, we just swallow lies
even those are genetically modified
it's the same damn thing in every other spectrum
with 2 term puppets winning elections
so sick and tired of being that guy
screaming at you people to open your eyes

You're weak, and looking for meaning
a human with no sense of being
a stupid person on a smart phone
an active cog in a hell hole
to prop 37 you voted hell no
who gives a fuck about a GMO

Living in a world that's so deceiving
all we do is watch 
and seeing is believing
in a culture that has mastered submission
we pray to God like he won't listen
when religion is nothing but a comforting fiction
we kill our brothers and cage the others
solicit women on magazine covers
our sick minds are pornografied
we waste our lives in pursuit of lies

The Falcons of Murder

This isn't war this is experimental death we're just animals fighting for what's left we feign intelligence and embellish ir...