Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sick of it

I'm getting sick of merely existing to get by. Working jobs to make others rich then paying a percentage to the government who uses that money to raise a massive military they use to invade countries and steal their resources and sell them to us for more profit. I find it mind boggling how brain washed people are. So much so that they openly support this corrupt government unquestioningly much the same way they follow their religion... I'm disgusted with humanity in general (including myself at times). We live in a perpetual state of fear and it's robbed us of our humanity. Everyday I think to myself how I can escape this system and all I come up with is death. I want to make a difference, I want to open up peoples eyes to the world I see. Too often this feels like an exercise in futility. People are indoctrinated to such high levels it may be irreversable in many. Through religion, education, and media they brainwash us. They make us fearful, greedy, and vain, in essence they strip us our of humanity then burden us with stress to the point where we don't even care anymore. These words feel like my last hope. I've fallen through every crack, I'm stuck in every trap. All I've done is follow the path you're supposed to, but now I'm done and I want to expose you.

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The Falcons of Murder

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